If you read The Duke and I then you should read… ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ“š

If you read the Duke and I then you should probably/would probably read these romance books.

Hello, dearies! 

I know, it has been some time since I published a new one, and this one not even a review? The horror! 

I have been working in my mundane job, and my reading has been the lowest in months. I am supposed to be reading The Brightest Night (which I have loved so far) but I stopped before half of it was over because I want a clearer mind to pay attention to it, so you might say that I am in a reading slump. Nothing to do with my last read, I love the Origin and Lux world. 

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5 eBooks that You didn’t know Existed


Hello, dearies! As I mentioned before, Smashwords is having a week of deals for eBooks, you can find from 25% to 100% off so don’t be afraid to stop by it and take a look at the authors there, some like myself are self-published, and it’s a great place to let your stories be known.

Now, I found these titles that I think might be of interest to you, well, I thought that I could add them to my never-ending TBR list but that’s me. Check them out. (If you want any, you can click on the title for it and you’ll be directed to the site).

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First Reads during the New Year ๐Ÿ“š

๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆHappy 2021 ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ

Hello, dearies! I hope your New Yearโ€™s holiday was full of light and safety. It seems thatโ€™s what weโ€™re wishing these days, but thatโ€™s life during pandemics.

Did you read a lot? I started reading (againโ€ฆ *cough* again a second time) The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon, aka Outlander 5 and I want to finish this want, but itโ€™s long, and I havenโ€™t had the focus to really enjoyed, I started in December but didnโ€™t continue because there were too many distractions, family and work and you know the drill, the mundane who would not let you sit down and enjoy the book. So, I started a secondary book that ought to be shorter and quicker, and well, Iโ€™m still reading it, though Iโ€™d had a few good laughs, itโ€™s completely different from TFC, I donโ€™t know if you watched the movie (I have, a couple of times) but Iโ€™m reading Confessions of a Shopaholic, and itโ€™s quite funny to see how Rebbeca finds excuses in the oddest most absurd ways to buy something, which I suppose is the point but in the book is so much in your face then itโ€™s in the movie, but I am not reviewing right now, I was telling a story of what Iโ€™m reading, and those are the two on my phone. As for paperbacks, I have The Red Scrolls of Magic, Magnus and Alec from the Shadowhunters world, which I really, really want to read but I also want to concentrate on it. And I have a hardcover, The Brightest Night, this one, Iโ€™m more afraid than anything else to read because I feel like Iโ€™m going to be absorbed completely, and also I may cry and laugh in equal amounts.

But those are the ones I have at the top of the TBR, Iโ€™m leaving the list of these 4 next, in case you want to add them to your own list.ย 

Books on the List

Thank you for reading everyone, though this was more of a confessional time, I appreciate that you made to the end, and if you ever want some advice on books or want to read some reviews, you know you can subscribe, right? Here, on the right, there you go, there are the buttons you need, and you can also check out my social media for more, including snippets of chapters and alternative covers or quotes from my favourite books. That’s truly it, have a nice night or day, and happy reading! ๐Ÿ™‚

5 Christmas-related eBooks

I checked out Smashwords and found some titles that are Holiday, Christmas related, so I decided to share 5 that caught my eye, actually, there were more, but for now, Iโ€™m sharing these with you, in case you want to add them to your list and read on Christmasโ€™ Eve.

Hello, dearies! โ„๏ธItโ€™s December 1st! โ„๏ธ 2020 had us on a rollercoaster, but we made it this far, we can make until the 31st, right? Hopefully.ย 

I checked out Smashwords and found some titles that are Holiday, Christmas related, so I decided to share 5 that caught my eye, actually, there were more, but for now, Iโ€™m sharing these with you, in case you want to add them to your list and read on Christmasโ€™ Eve. โ˜ƒ๏ธ

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Midnight Sun: Excitement or not?

New book by Stephenie Meyer

Alternative to Twilightย 

Twilight from Edward’s POV

So, are we reading it or not?

Hello, readers! Are you excited about Midnight Sun? I think it would be cool to finally see this side of the story, back when the Twilight Saga was over we have a sneak peek into Edward’s POV and back then, it was awesome and I loved it, but what happened?

Continue reading “Midnight Sun: Excitement or not?”

Other 7 EBooks for Under a Dollar or Free

Okay, readers! Hello again! Here we go once more, I have searched for other 7 Ebooks that are either free at the moment or cost less than a dollar, and considering how bored we all are during quarantine, forced, voluntary or whatever, then we know something to pass the time.

Continue reading “Other 7 EBooks for Under a Dollar or Free”

2009 Reads

How was the TBR back in 2009? This was mine…

This was going to be all the books I was reading in 2009 but now let us say a decade or so ago. I cannot really remember what I had in my hands back then, I was actually shock when I realised that Twilight was a decade ago, but then I started to think back and tried to remember what I really was reading and could not actually recall, thought I will do my best to name some titles here.

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7 Books Suggestions to Read this Christmas

Now that Christmas is just around the corner, what are you reading when everyone is drinking eggnog and munching on cookies? I know what I will be reading, but you will find out soon enough what my read will be.

I have looked and found 7 books that might be filed “for various tastes”, I hope. Alright let us get down to it, next are the books, and do not worry you will know my favourite and the one in my hands this upcoming 24th and 25th, and probably all the way until New Year’s Eve. Here we go.

Continue reading “7 Books Suggestions to Read this Christmas”