
November Duval lives in a scientifically elegant world where the advances in technology are destroying the earth, even as the corporations promoting them assert they will save it.

Author: Shana Shaheen

The Time Train, Book One

Book Title: Starcaster

4 ⭐

Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, YA, Science Fiction, Time Travel.

Hello, dearies! 🌌

I finished this one as quickly as I could, not because I wanted to get it over with but because I had Starcaster on my TBR since forever.

It was a great read, and I recommend it. ☄️

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The Promise of Rain

‘They call him the Hound of Hell….’

Author: Shana Abe

Genre: Historical Romance, Enemy-to-Lover, Medieval Romance, Adult (sort of)

Happy Weekend, dearies! I hope you’re enjoying a great one.

Today I finished The Promise of Rain, and said, wow, the difference between reading an enjoyable book and when I don’t. Why? Because I read this one so fast, I couldn’t get enough of it, I had to finish it and know all their secrets. Unlike when I read The King’s Obsession, which I started last year and finished not long ago.

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The Last Mermaid

“Who are you?” he asked, keeping his voice gentle, although she still showed no sign of fear.
“The keeper of this isle,” the lady replied”

Author: Shana Abe


Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Mythology, Historical

Happy Friday, dearies! Are you ready for the weekend? I am! 📕

Today, I cannot really say how this one about The Last Mermaid will go, but I have some notes that I’ll share after reading each part of this book. I must confess that for a while, I seriously considered giving it 2-3 stars because I was confused and it took me a while to finish it, but then Shana did what she does best when I’m reading her books, she managed to catch my attention each freaking time that a book part would end, oh, sorry, this one is divided in three Books (Short stories) but as it turns out they’re all related. 

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If you read The Duke and I then you should read… 👀 📚

If you read the Duke and I then you should probably/would probably read these romance books.

Hello, dearies! 

I know, it has been some time since I published a new one, and this one not even a review? The horror! 

I have been working in my mundane job, and my reading has been the lowest in months. I am supposed to be reading The Brightest Night (which I have loved so far) but I stopped before half of it was over because I want a clearer mind to pay attention to it, so you might say that I am in a reading slump. Nothing to do with my last read, I love the Origin and Lux world. 

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A Rose in Winter

The great thing about Shana Abe’s books, is that in the end, you end up liking them, in some way or another.

Author: Shana Abe

Genres: Historical, Romance, European Literature, Fiction, Adult

The great thing about Shana Abe’s books, is that in the end, you end up liking them, in some way or another. Of course, nothing compares to The Drakon Series, which I still believe to be greatest ones I’ve read by her, next to The Sweetest Dark books, but A Rose in Winter had me from ugh to ooh to aww to wow, I did not give it 5 stars because there was not that total awesome and abandonment into it that had drawn me to other books, but I enjoyed it enough, and if you brave it out through the middle of it, then you’re good at the end, it was a nice ending and there a plot twist here and there that I didn’t expect.

Oh, the main character’s name is Damon, so, of course, I had to go on reading until I knew how it all ended.

This one is quite short since I just thought to share with you guys this rather quick read I had, I mean according to my ebook reader, it took me about 9 hours to finish the book, and that divided in several days, which mean I could have finished the book in a day if I had had the time to do as much.That’s it for now. I hope you found a new book to read. You can read the description here.

The Fiercest Joy

Author: Shana Abé

Book 3 in The Sweetest Dark Trilogy. And book 8 in the Drakon world. Probably the numbers will change if Shana decides to write extra books about this story, this wonderful world she has created cannot be described in mundane words, it is too wonderful and so full of magic but I will do my best to convince you.

If you have read my previous post about these series (The Sweetest Dark) then you might be prepared for what it is coming now. It is all about the magic, and the drakon; it might be short but it will be sincere. Here it is.

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Intimate Enemies

Author: Shana Abe

Let us begin with this, the book is not for everyone. That said, I loved it!

How many times do I say that about a book? Quite often, I know, but if you know me then you know I mostly write here about the books I enjoyed.

Intimate Enemies was difficult for me to really start reading, I had it on my phone for some time actually, and I had read the first page I think, first line and was like, eh, maybe not, even though it was Shana’s and I love how she writes, one of my favourite authors, in case you didn’t figure that one out due to the extensive quotes I have all around from her books, and the fact that most of my reviews are about books by her.

I strayed from the path there, sorry. Back to IE, it has a certain uniqueness to it; the book is set years ago, as in 1170’s more or less, and by the title you can guess that this two clans are not really friendly, until Arion and Lauren are old enough to know they have a thing for each other. Are you planning on reading the book? Don’t worry there is not much spoiler here.

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The Sweetest Dark Books

By Shana Abé

Well hello readers! Here we are again. Another book or books, another post full of my inner thoughts.

If you are a regular to Books Everywhere, then you might know Ms. Shana Abé, author of the Drákon Series and many other books. The Drákon Series is by far one of my favourite stories, and of course Shana is one of my absolute favourite authors, since she is one of the few who actually makes me read descriptions and pay attention to the little things in a book (although I know I’ve said that I don’t) because if you don’t know those details, then you end up completely lost and have to go back a chapter or two and find out what truly happened.

But enough of that, you are reading this because you want a new book to read or you love these two in The Sweetest Dark Series. Let us begin.

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The Time Weaver

Drákon #5

By Shana Abé

If I’m to be honest, I did not have my hopes up for this one. There! I admit it.

That being said, I can now tell you all that I was: so freaking wrong. That book is great, I do not know how Shana did it but The Time Weaver managed to capture my attention like the other ones did not, except for The Smoke Thief, which is book 1 in the Drákon world, TTW being the last statement.

I won’t say much because this one I really do not want to say a thing, I want all to read it. I recommend it completely, of course maybe you’ll like to read the first 4 books to know what the heck is going on or at least have some idea. I’m telling you I read them all, and I had a difficult time catching up.

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Drákon Series

By Shana Abé

I decided to make these entries by book, why? Because they are all different, at least in character. They all have a different set of characters as the main protagonists, so this is the best way of explaining each one, also each book is great and unique; even, if they all talk about Drákon they still differ in some aspects.

I might add that they all follow a story, I have yet to read the 5th book but as far as I can tell they all have good stories, plots. Let us start with the first four books in this series.

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