Shadowhunters E07 Major Arcana: Review?

Alright, I did not see that coming…

Now, spoiler ahead lads and lasses so beware!

Really! Spoiler from the books, I’m serious! You have been warned.

For real, since We all fans of the books know what happened Then I think  it is time we let go of the books for real, Izzy is a serious if hot woman now, Alec is Alec thanks the Angel, Simon is already  a vampire  kind of fast but sure, no beef with that.

Jace, well I must admit  that It happened,  Dominic  Sherwood has won me over, he might not be Jace All the time but the little moments truly make him irresistible  and I cannot  fight  it anymore. As for Kat, she does a nice enough Clary, and now that she is so bold as to kiss Jace, if you have  not watched the episode  then I’m sorry for the spoiler, it took  me by surprise  really, first I was like whaaat??? And then, yeah is fine.

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Intimate Enemies

Author: Shana Abe

Let us begin with this, the book is not for everyone. That said, I loved it!

How many times do I say that about a book? Quite often, I know, but if you know me then you know I mostly write here about the books I enjoyed.

Intimate Enemies was difficult for me to really start reading, I had it on my phone for some time actually, and I had read the first page I think, first line and was like, eh, maybe not, even though it was Shana’s and I love how she writes, one of my favourite authors, in case you didn’t figure that one out due to the extensive quotes I have all around from her books, and the fact that most of my reviews are about books by her.

I strayed from the path there, sorry. Back to IE, it has a certain uniqueness to it; the book is set years ago, as in 1170’s more or less, and by the title you can guess that this two clans are not really friendly, until Arion and Lauren are old enough to know they have a thing for each other. Are you planning on reading the book? Don’t worry there is not much spoiler here.

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And While We Were Here (Movie Special)

I don’t normally do this, and it isn’t because this is the greatest movie I have seen in my life but I wanted to share it… And also it isn’t just because Jamie Blackley is in it, which was why I saw the movie I admit but the more I watched, the more I felt like sharing a bit about And While We Were Here, 2012 film.

It stars: Kate BosworthJamie Blackley, Iddo Goldberg.

I just finished watching this movie, today: I rather not say when I saw the movie… I hope to post this soon enough.

That said, it caught me, it called to me and I could feel the inner struggle of this woman, Jane (Kate Bosworth), it isn’t because she is married and enters an affair with a younger man, I think it was more about the fact she was a writer struggling with inspiration and a way of finishing a book… and I wanted to see what else happened in her life.

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Take Me Tomorrow

Author: Shannon Thompson

​“Tomorrow can take me.”​ Truest words spoken and we knew it was going to be good.

Take Me Tomorrow a truly different twist in the dystopian genre.

Let it be known, I am not encouraging drug use because we all know that’s bad for your health, but wouldn’t we want to take a pill that would show you the future? Or at the very least, a glimpse of it?

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A Dance with Dragons

A Song Of Ice and Fire #5

Author: George R. R. Martin

Since we are not getting A Song of Ice and Fire #6The Winds of Winter anytime soon, I might as well write about A Dance with Dragons, which is my favourite book so far in this saga. Especially because of Dany.

On that note, I love this one. It is quite interesting to say the least. If you are mainly a fan on the HBO Tv Series, then good for you that’s nice. However, the books? What can I say? I have a freaking main page in this blog solely dedicated to it, doesn’t that say how awesome they are? I confess I started reading the books after season one of GOT but come on, you see the series you go running face first into the books and then… nothing, you stay in limbo because Mr Martin haven’t published the 6th book.

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