Friday Flashback: The Black Cat

The short story of “The Black Cat” delves into themes of guilt and perversity. The narrator, tormented by mistreatment of his black cat and domestic violence, becomes consumed by paranoia and madness. His efforts to hide a crime result in his own downfall.

To be honest… I don’t remember when I read this or if I found it interesting, I know that I did read it and I had a book of short stories of Edgar Allan Poe, but I have moved a lot and my books are spread around various homes. I miss my books.

Anyway, let’s go read the description and perhaps some highlights from this story.

Author: Edgar Allan Poe

Genres: Classics, Horror, Short Stories, Fiction, Gothic, Mystery

First Published: January 1, 1843

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10 Suspense, Horror, Mystery Books for Halloween 2023

It’s October! ๐Ÿ‚

I’m Late with this October post! ๐Ÿ˜

It’s Autumn so it’s okay! ๐ŸŽƒ

Want to try out a TikTok Filter? I made this one: Mystery Autumn Books.

Today, I’m jumping straight into these 10 books in the Suspense, Horror, Gothic, and Mystery section, and just in time for Halloween 2023. ๐Ÿ‘ป

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Lock Every Door

‘No nights spent away from the apartment. No disturbing the other residents, all of whom are rich or famous or both.’ But then, no more depth as you read it…

Genre: Suspense, Drama (more drama), Mystery, Audiobook

Author: Riley Sager

3.5 โญ๏ธ

Not what you would expect. Or what you wanted. ๐Ÿซ 

When you have a title that it’s Lock Every Door, you would think that there’s more suspense or paranormal. So, be warned โš ๏ธ it might not be what you thought and not in the ooh-such-a-good plot twist.

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And Then There Were None: Quick View

โ€œBut no artist, I now realize, can be satisfied with art alone. There is a natural craving for recognition which cannot be gain-said.โ€

Author: Agatha Christie

Genre: Classics, Fiction, Crime, Thriller, Mystery Thriller, Mystery

First time I read this one was like fifteen years ago, and yes, this is a classic mystery that I would recommend, and that sucks you in, unlike other mystery or thrillers I have read where there is not much to it.

I don’t mean to be so dismissive of new stories, but some of those books leave me with a sense of: meh. I cannot help. Even if I do have a section on Mystery/Thriller here on the blog because I recently read more books in that genre than I ever did in the past.

Anyway, going back to And Then There Were None, which even for my young mind, it was quite good and left me wondering about it for a few days. I don’t remember the whole meat in the middle of it, but I know that I liked it.

Continue reading “And Then There Were None: Quick View”

The Final Girl Support Group

A mystery? Yes, it sort of was, but was it horror? Not really. This book dives into the mind of a Final Girl, literally. But that’s just one opinion.


Author: Grady Hendrix 

Genre: Horror, Thriller, Fiction, Mystery

Well, I have my doubts about the horror tag or thriller, it’s more Mystery and Drama than anything else.

Hello, dearies! ๐Ÿ“ฝ

This one it’s more like a movie than a book, and you find yourself thinking about all the horror movies you watched in the past, and trying to pair those with the characters in the book rather than paying attention to the storyline.

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Stranger Things Season 4 – Part 1: Wow

Hello, dearies! โœ‰๏ธ

Did you watch it? Have you watched it yet?

Stranger Things Season 4 is now available, and all that promises it delivers, you can watch all of it now, or wait until July for the second part and binge-watch the whole season, I would have done that, but I couldn’t wait anymore, I wanted to see now, now, go, go.

It’s so good. And Jamie Campbell Bower is there, so he makes it all better. Like wherever he is, you are entranced by his role, and you want to know more about it. ๐ŸŽฅ

Continue reading “Stranger Things Season 4 – Part 1: Wow”

Interview with the Vampire

โ€œIt was as if when I looked into his eyes I was standing alone on the edge of the world…on a windswept ocean beach. There was nothing but the soft roar of the waves.โ€

Author: Anne Rice 

Genre: Gothic, Horror, Vampire ๐Ÿง›

This one is not going to be easy. 

Hello, dearies! I barely remember the details but the general idea instead since it was such a long time ago that I read Interview with the Vampire, what I do remember is thinking how darkly different it was from the movie. 

Of course, I had watched the movie before reading the book, but when I read this book, it was a real eye-opener for my young mind. 

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7 Horror, Mystery Books that could be interesting

I’m not a big fan of mystery, horror, and that sort of books but there are a few that could persuade me to read them, and I wanted to share them here, given, most would because I have seen a movie related to it and I already know more or less what it would be like.

Hello, dearies! As many of you might have noticed, I’m not a big fan of mystery, horror, and that sort of books but there are a few that could persuade me to read them, and I wanted to share them here, given, most would because I have seen a movie related to it and I already know more or less what it would be like.

Yes, Stephen King is going to be on this list because. who else could put the creeps on you through a book, right? ๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ“š

Continue reading “7 Horror, Mystery Books that could be interesting”

The Vampire Diaries Series

by L.J. Smith

Genres: Vampires. Fantasy. Romance. Drama. Young Adult (sort of).

How a true “teenage” vampire should actโ€ฆ

I read these books I think a year or so after the Twilight Saga, I cannot recall actually, it was after Twilight, I know that much and boy! Did it open my eyes, of course so it hadย Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice but that book is a different type of history and drama in a more adult and sometimes creepier way.

Now, this story about vampires is really something else, after the first two books you really begin to wonder if you will finish the whole thing, it happened to me but there was just something about it that kept me there, I continued reading and reading and then I was in the final books and could not believe how it started and where it had led, pretty interesting way of making the reader be immerse into the story.

Alright, let’s begin.

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