Midnight Sun

Twilight and Midnight Sun are pretty much the same but Ed and Bells have a way of getting on your nerves separately. Cool book.

Series: Twilight

Author: Stephenie Meyer

Get a copy of the book: Midnight Sun – Ebook or Paperback

Let’s get this PoV started… I was so excited and I read with excitement up until some points at the end that had the capacity to slow my reading progress but at the same time I wanted to finish because I like the story as a whole, these books and movies were a big part of my life in the past and so I wanted to continue and see what Edward thought for sure, I didn’t expect him to be so mopey at times.

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Midnight Sun: Excitement or not?

New book by Stephenie Meyer

Alternative to Twilightย 

Twilight from Edward’s POV

So, are we reading it or not?

Hello, readers! Are you excited about Midnight Sun? I think it would be cool to finally see this side of the story, back when the Twilight Saga was over we have a sneak peek into Edward’s POV and back then, it was awesome and I loved it, but what happened?

Continue reading “Midnight Sun: Excitement or not?”