Spoiler Time Sunday: Romance in Idhun

Today, I’ll answer one big question from The Idhun Chronicles, is there romance there? Or is it just fantasy? It’s spoiler time!

spoiler time sunday with eachpage

Hello, dearies! ๐Ÿ“–โžก๏ธ

Here we are once more on a Sunday and with some spoilers.

I’ll dive right into it because there’s no time like the present, I started this section with some spoilers from the Wizarding World, you can check it out on that link you just pass it. ๐Ÿ‘€

So, if you’re an avid reader of my blog, you might know that I’m a big fan of The Idhun Chronicles (Memorias de Idhรบn), a Spanish trilogy by author Laura Gallego. But I have seen a question going around that it’s big spoiler, well, I have seen a couple but today I’ll answer this one: Is there romance in The Idhun Chronicles?

This is a funny one for me, because what do you mean, people on the internet? Anyway, the short answer is this: Yes, there is romance in The Idhรบn Chronicles.

Now, for the long answer, which contains many spoilers and if you haven’t read the books but intent on reading, then this post is not for you. I mean it, you can stop reading here and thank you for stopping by.

If you are on this side of this entry, and you don’t care about spoilers or have no intention of reading the books (which you should) and just want to know what this romance I speak of is, then here we go.

cat eating

Romance in The Idhun Chronciles

I’ll answer the main query, which I suppose it means the main characters, because there is also romance involving the side characters, and one of my favourite ones is Shail’s and his beloved.

shail memorias de idhun

But in any case, Victoria (Lead FC, only?) she loves Jack with all her heart, and she loves Kirtash with all her soul. No denying it, we all want to see it, we all want to follow the story. We want to see her with both of them, bare in mind that this is a teenage love story, but however, and here comes the big one, they don’t remain innocent and teenagers for long, when they are in Idhรบn things fast forward quite quickly, and things get heated, firstly with Kirtash because he has no qualms whatsoever about anything and goes all in with anything he does. ๐Ÿซข๐Ÿ˜ณ

And, even if he has a freaking self-control that has you grabbing the book tightly for more, this is in Book 2 and 3. It still makes you sigh every time. Kirtash is a freaking masterpiece on paper.

And it doesn’t end there, Victoria and Jack also go at it in their little alone time, whenever they have some of it. My favourite character will always be Kirtash, you can see that on my rambling of this character here on the blog, but Jack is a sweet guy, who you can understand why Victoria falls for him, though there are other reasons for her falling for him, but I won’t talk about it here.

So, if you read the book you will see all those slightly spicy scenes that you go back and read them again, because they make you go: say what now? What did they do? Yes, it’s that type and this coming from someone who reads Romance novels, I’m not saying it’s anything adult and there are no dirty talking, so don’t get ahead of yourself, but there are romantic moments in the YA kind of way.

Please keep in mind that none of this happens in The Idhun Chronicles animated Netflix show, they only covered book 1, which was like the very tip of the iceberg, if they would have continued, they would have surely found a bigger audience for it and not just fans of the books ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ(I take responsibility for promoting it for free on my Pinterest).

And that’s it for today’s Spoiler Time Sunday with me, thank you for reading, dearies! And if you did stick to the end and had some spoilers, you were fairly warned about it and I take no responsibility for it.

Here’s a trailer from TIC part 1, in case you don’t know it.

Happy watching and reading! ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“บ

Author: Sela O.

Book Reviewer. Indie Author. โœ๏ธ Book lover. RedBubble Artist. Dragon Rider. Slytherin. ๐Ÿ Podcast: EachPage Flow โ–ถ๏ธ K-Pop Enthusiast ๐Ÿ’Ž

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