Do you leave 1 Star Reviews?

Hello, dearies! ⭐

I was wondering about this one for some time, and have mentioned some of it before, so today I decided to go ahead and ramble for a bit about it.

Why do people leave 1-Star reviews? Don’t they know that one’s opinions is completely then somebody else’s?

Continue reading “Do you leave 1 Star Reviews?”

Unpopular Opinion: Books I won’t read… probably

I wanted to share today some of the titles that I probably won’t ever read because I have no desire whatsoever to do so, like I really feel no need to pick up one of these books, even if the world shouts about them on all ends. You know how it is, right? You like what you like, you have your favourite genres and authors too, and you have to make room for the new ones, but there are some that will not make it even to the TBR pile. 

Hello, dearies! It’s been some time, again, I know. 

Muggle job. That’s all I can say.

I wanted to share today some of the titles that I probably won’t ever read because I have no desire whatsoever to do so, like I really feel no need to pick up one of these books, even if the world shouts about them on all ends. You know how it is, right? You like what you like, you have your favourite genres and authors too, and you have to make room for the new ones, but there are some that will not make it even to the TBR pile. 

Continue reading “Unpopular Opinion: Books I won’t read… probably”