Tempted by a Rogue Prince ๐Ÿคด Review?

‘Unwilling to fall under the control of anyone ever again, Vail must escape before the Fifth King can use him as a pawn in a deadly game of revenge.’

tempted by a rogue prince elf

Author: Felicity Heaton

Series: Eternal Mates

Genres: Paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Fantasy, Demons, Fae, Vampires… romance ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Hello, dearies! ๐ŸŒน

I recently finished Tempted by a Rogue Prince (Eternal Mates #3) by Felicity Heaton, I read this one fast and through the night, not because I didn’t like it, oh no, no. By the time I realised it I was so engrossed by this story that I was actually surprised. It’s been some time since that happened to me.

Spoilers ahead.


I’ll talk and say it all that comes to mind now, so please, if you intend on reading the book and be shocked and surprised by it, this post it’s not for you, look at the pretty cover and go get a copy of the book to read, and then come back once you have read. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ’–

spoiler alert tv show

Alright, let’s begin.

It’s been a while since I read a book so fast, stopped to highlight a section and wanted to know more about the characters. Given I haven’t read much, last year it was mostly Manga but still, I was surprised to be up late and still wide awake reading, completely into a book.

Compared to Claimed by a Demon King, which I found out was a good read, this one was on another level, just the right one to say, you know what? 5 stars.

It seems like I always find the books that are less popular somehow, I mean Tempted by a Rogue Prince has a “lot” of reviews and all, but I don’t feel like people talk much about it, unless it’s not on my feed on social media, I hope it’ll show up more now.

Sorry, I took a turn there. Yes, our Rogue Prince is broken and crazy, and the darkness is trying to take him further into insanity, like this is no hero, no, don’t even think it. I mean he sort of was but after millennia he was plain and simple a slave to a witch’s curse, spell, whatever. And only after her dead was he free, but was he? There lies the thing, Vail is tormented by his past and hates magic, and I cannot blame him.

eternal mates book 2

The gist is that he doesn’t want to overcome his hate of witches after he was tricked by one, and damaged so horribly by this dark witch, the things that she did, it was awful, it was violent and if you have an aversion to read about all kind of abuse on a person, then I recommend to skip on those parts. I normally cannot read it if it’s too specific because I have an active imagination and I rather not have disturbing things in my head, but this one was mellow somehow, and more alluded to than anything, still if that’s too much, skip over it and read about the light witch and the love that it’s awaiting Vail.

While going through a random forest (it was just a set to write in hell), Vail gets to know more about Rosalind, who is he’s Eternal Mate, fated one, love of his life, however you want to put it. I’m such a romantic, I know, lol. Anyway, after they are tortured by demons and manage to escapee, they find themselves enjoying some alone time and trying to beat up the insatiable inner monster in Vail that only knows darkness and blood.

Even when I knew where the book was going because hello, it’s a romance novel. I still wanted to read and learn all about Vail, and continue the story further. I was quite shocked of how much I liked it, truly. I thought it would be a normal kind of read with some spice in the forest, but there was more than that and then some in the trees, in the water, by the fire. Okay, yeah, I got carried away remembering. ๐Ÿ˜

What was it we were discussing? Oh, would I recommend this book? Yes. Do you need to read the others in the series? You can but it can be read alone almost 80% of the book.

Some quotes

Because I really liked this one here are a few quotes from Tempted by a Rogue Prince.

  • She belonged to him. He belonged to her. He clawed his hair back and growled as his fangs lengthened.
  • And now it was one with him, growing stronger each day as the weight of his sins filled his soul with darkness, dragging him down into the black abyss.
  • “The only power I have is in here.” She took his left hand and brought it to her chest.
  • “All I can do is try to ease your pain and replace the terrible memories with better ones.”

And with those, I’m done with my rambling about another good read, I hope you enjoyed this one and if you added Tempted by a Rogue Prince to your TBR, then that’s good enough for me, too. Thank you for reading. โญ

Happy romancing! ๐Ÿ’–

Author: Sela O.

Book Reviewer. Indie Author. โœ๏ธ Book lover. RedBubble Artist. Dragon Rider. Slytherin. ๐Ÿ Podcast: EachPage Flow โ–ถ๏ธ K-Pop Enthusiast ๐Ÿ’Ž

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