Mystery of Aaravos Season 5: TBT

Welcome, dearies! ๐Ÿ‰

This one is a short but intense one…

Spoilers are ahead so be warned of it if you haven’t watched The Dragon Prince: Mystery of Aaravos season 5. ๐ŸŒŸOr Book 5: Ocean.

Or you don’t remember what happened…

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Friday Flashback: The Dragon Prince Season 3

‘Careful. If you tell the truth, you will lose her; you will need her soon.’

Where? Netflix

What is it about? Not all about dragons, no.

Genres? Fantasy, Magic, Elves, Dragons, Humans.

Hello, dearies! ๐Ÿฒ

This one is not really a throwback for me because I “recently” re-watched the whole show up until season 4, which I think is awesome, and that The Dragon Prince just keeps getting better and better, but I’ll stay focused and restrict this one to Season 3 because I realised I didn’t have an entry for it.

I don’t have one for season 1 either, but that can be another week.

The Dragon Prince season 3, what happened on this one? Should I go with some spoilers? I don’t think I can talk about it much without some, so if you haven’t watched it yet, then don’t read, and if you are here for all the details on this season, I’ll only give a few, so enjoy those.

Continue reading “Friday Flashback: The Dragon Prince Season 3”

What did I Watch this Year?

‘The most dangerous thing about Pandora is that you might grow to love her too much.’
Jake Sully

2022 Edition!

Hello, dearies! ๐Ÿ’–

Almost the end of the year, and some of this time you think back to what you read, watched or did. Mostly you cannot remember or think it was not this year. For months I cannot remember what I did because it was a mesh of months for me.

But I can try to remember for you, and this top shows of 2022 that I watched.

Continue reading “What did I Watch this Year?”

The Dragon Prince: Season 2

The Dragon Prince

Watch it on: Netflix

So, I didn’t do a season 1 of this one but season 2 was even greater and that’s the reason we are here today. After finishing the whole thing in a night and a morning, I have to say that is good and you should be watching.

The story

Wow, you have dragons, that’s all you need to know. Dragons in your life is all you need to be happy or at least me, just me? Okay. You have magic, and elves, and dark magic, and mixed cultures, like two Queens in a kingdom or blind people doing incredible things, or being able to talk to animals, and a magical mirror. If none of those things is your cup of tea then I cannot help right now, that’s all I got.

Continue reading “The Dragon Prince: Season 2”