Book Challenge: Last | Now | Next

New Book Challenge! Last Book Read. The Book you’re reading right Now. What will be your Next read?

book challenge

Hello, dearies! ๐Ÿ“šโ˜€๏ธ

Another day, another book challenge, or something like that.

I saw this one for the Last book I read, the book I’m reading right Now, and the book I’ll read Next. But I’ve been a sort of inactive reader lately. I haven’t devoured many books in a month so this is spaced out a bit, though I suppose that doesn’t matter.

Anyway. Here they are.


Lock Every Door

Which was not a favourite read, unfortunately, but it is what it is.



It has been a real experience, even if I can see the movie clearly and imagine Timothรฉe Chalamet each time. I keep reading because it makes you want to turn the page.


How to answer that? The TBR is endless, but I’d like to read A Deal with the Elf King. Chain of Thorns by Cassie Clare. The Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth. The new Voyeur book by Fiona Cole. Or Haunting Adelinne. Wow, completely unrelated books there, but hey, that’s how varied my tastes are.

And that’s it for this one, I will keep you on the loop once I’m done reading Dune, and will make sure to put it on the podcast soon too. Don’t forget that there are four episodes live right now. ๐Ÿ˜Šโฏ๏ธ

Thanks for stopping by and reading until the end.

Happy Reading! ๐Ÿซฐ

Author: Sela O.

Book Reviewer. Indie Author. โœ๏ธ Book lover. RedBubble Artist. Dragon Rider. Slytherin. ๐Ÿ Podcast: EachPage Flow โ–ถ๏ธ K-Pop Enthusiast ๐Ÿ’Ž

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