What is a Novel of Manners?

Ever wonder what Pride and Prejudice and The Portrait of a Lady had in common? Did you know they are Novel of Manners? They are! And this is what it all means! ๐Ÿ“–

Hello, dear readers! ๐Ÿซฐ

Welcome to a new bookish ramble! ๐Ÿ“–

I know it might be obvious or it might be something you have never heard of, so here we are chatting about a book genre from yonder* times.

*Yonder is not really the right word there, that’s for a distance like “at some distance in the direction indicated”. End of lesson. ๐Ÿ˜„

So, I already know what a novel of manners is, but when I first published my Pride and Prejudice review, I didn’t know the term. And now, I’m here to share it with you all, in case you were wondering about it, or just want to check some old books.

Continue reading “What is a Novel of Manners?”