Dune: Book Review… sort of


Author: Frank Herbert

Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Drama, Fiction, Classics, Space Opera

4 โญ

Hello, dearies! ๐Ÿซ

Today is one that I finished last month (I think). Dune, this was a long read, such a very long read, but I got through it! ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸฅณGood for me!

So, Dune, have you watched the new Dune movie with handsome Timothy Chamlet? I have, of course, about 3 times by now, might watch it again before the second part releases next year. But that’s not why we are here, and no, I haven’t watched the other Dune movie. 1984?

*back after checking the year.

Yes, the other Dune movie was released in 1984. I was going to watch it, but it’s still on the list.

Anyway, Dune, the novel. It took me some time to finish it, and half of it has a lot of things like the new movie, so I was reading and imagining it all, but couldn’t skip ahead so it took me a while. When I got to around 60% I got into a rhythm and was able to finally make it to the end, only to discover that not much was resolved and that it should start on the next book, but since this story goes back and forth a lot, or around, or we just have to follow Paul while he sees everything, then well, I started on Messiah (?)…

*Back after checking the name.

Dune Messiah, I started reading it and stopped on page 1 because, to be honest, I didn’t feel like taking on another major journey.

Because Dune (the book) was a journey and while the story is mostly an interesting one there were moments that I had to go back and read again because my mind would wander to something else.

dune paul cover

Then why did I give it 4 stars? Because I finished it and as I said, it has all these interesting moments, and finding Paul’s experience in this new world was something to admire. And I liked the fact that it was another universe, and things evolved, and there are many aspects where you just go, wow really? And yet, I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite book of all time.

Though, it has more to do with my taste than anything else. You know we all have our favourite genres and books. So, don’t hate if you think this is the best book ever.

timothy chamlet book cover movie

So, the question is, have you read Dune? I think at some point in my life, when I was a teenager, I perhaps heard of it, but I never even came across a copy of it until recent years. Fun fact.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this sort of book review on Dune, and if you have read the book and loved, or didn’t like it, feel free to comment on it in the comments, or share with others who have. It’s greatly appreciated by me.

dune book cover 50th anniversary

That’s all, dearies! Don’t forget to visit my podcast and social media for some fun.

Happy Reading! ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’ซ

Author: Sela O.

Book Reviewer. Indie Author. โœ๏ธ Book lover. RedBubble Artist. Dragon Rider. Slytherin. ๐Ÿ Podcast: EachPage Flow โ–ถ๏ธ K-Pop Enthusiast ๐Ÿ’Ž

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