Stranger Things Season 4 – Part 2: Wow Wow

How could all of it go sideways so terribly?

stranger things part 2 season 4

By the time I finished watching this one, I was too shocked to even write about it, so I let it sit in my mind…

Crass mistake, now I can hardly remember what was that happened except for the end of season 4 of Stranger Things. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿซ 

Hello, dearies!

Welcome to a Flashback Friday or Friday Flashback, whichever you prefer. Here we are with Stranger Things once more.

As I can’t quite remember. I will now place a trailer for it here, and see if that triggers me to expand.

Ah, yes, just as I remembered it all went down wrongly, and we were left with the terrible feeling that it might not come back to the heroes win. By the way, have you watched part 1? I have a quick post for it here.

I don’t like spoilers, so this is a warning for this tidbit.

One of the worst parts was the end with Max, like honestly, it doesn’t seem like it would you could recover from something like that.

And while Eleven was off in a location that we could not guess all the way but the clues were there somewhere, everything in Hawkins seemed to be going even more terribly wrong there before, and it was one stressful moment after another, mixed in with some jokes and some light moments to keep us from completely falling down the rabbit hole into total despair.

house planning

And that’s how I spent my days watching part of 2 of Season 4 of Stranger Things, and which will happen again when I re-watch the whole season before the next one. It’s that good, you cannot help yourself.

Now, the big question of today, have you ever watched Stranger Things? Or you just decide to not to for the sake of it? It’s a valid reason, some people just don’t watch awesome shows. But since I have been following this one since the premiere years ago, I continuously come back to it and even watch from the start, it’s a good re-watch. Not season 2 though, that one was a little all over the place.

watch stranger things

Enough of my rambling, I’m sure you’ll love go watch something awesome or read more entries here on the blog. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜œ

Thank you for the support and always coming back, if you have suggestions I’m open to those too, I might not watch it or read it but I can see the recommendations and decide.

Don’t forget to visit my new Youtube Channel and my Facebook page.

Author: Sela O.

Book Reviewer. Indie Author. โœ๏ธ Book lover. RedBubble Artist. Dragon Rider. Slytherin. ๐Ÿ Podcast: EachPage Flow โ–ถ๏ธ K-Pop Enthusiast ๐Ÿ’Ž

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