Writing. Blogging. Reading. Life.

What are you passionate about?

There are many things we all love and being online makes us have more things to talk about, so for ages writing is a passion. I’m a writer (not trying to promote myself but you can check out my books), so that’s my grandest passion.

As writing is my life, blogging was born for me. But not alone, as I love books too, then those two arts were combined in my life and that’s how EachPage came to be for the past ten years.

I mentioned life and I mean anything from Travel to how we live and enjoy the world around us.

That’s all for me, I was going to post this one yesterday but life got in the way, so here I am: Passionate about writing, blogging, reading, and life. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿฉท

Welcome, September! Days later but it is here!

How is September going to be?

Happy September, dearies! ๐Ÿ‚

Fall is almost here!

Yes, it’s my favourite season! How did you guys know? ๐Ÿคฃ

Anyway, September is here, and perhaps it’ll be a great one for reading, even when I am still reading Dune because, my goodness what a long book. But I’m halfway through it so if that’s done soon, I’ll be able to move on to some romances that are waiting for me. Or a few fantasy books that I have on my TBR since forever, honestly, the list is long, and I cannot decide on one right now.

Continue reading “Welcome, September! Days later but it is here!”

About Authors and Descriptions in Books

What happens when we read?

Hello, dearies!

Well, this one is a bit of a random but related to books, so not so much.

I saw online this comment about how authors write something and people (readers) criticise them for it, they even go as far as to make campaigns or whatever against authors, just because they didn’t like something in a book. A description, a cliche, or anything that the author decided was to be that way, but why go to such lengths as to try to make other readers ban the book or try that that writer never touches a keyboard again?

ebook week smashwords

Let me give you some context from my particular experience.

When an author wants to include Spanish words or talks about someone being Latino, I find it funny most of the time because it looks forced to me, and sometimes think that they have no right to try to describe a situation they’re not quite knowledgeable in, or perhaps I’m wrong and they saw it that way growing up. So I just let those slide as a Latin American person, even if at times, I find something offensive or ridiculous, I’m not going to leave a trashy review or offend the author because I don’t know why the author decided to portray a character or scene in that way, and I could make a mistake at some point without meaning it.

It’s difficult to sit down and finish a book, it’s even more difficult to publish it. I am going to go out of my way and say that no matter if you’re an indie author or an author with a contract in a publishing house, it’s the same kind of feeling of how will they take it? Of course, as an Indie Author, in my particular case, I publish and let it be because I have no fame whatsoever, and as far as I know, people read and don’t leave reviews or leave poor reviews because they don’t like it, and that’s fine. Not all books are for everyone.

My point is, don’t trash an author that you don’t like and try to get people behind you to do the same, what if that person, yes there’s a person behind those words you don’t like, what if they lived a strange life and decided they wanted to write their own experience? Or maybe they decided to write whatever came to mind and didn’t feel like investigating a lot, or they did and still decided to write a story from their own point of view, couldn’t that be the case? We don’t know what a person is going through or went through, in my case, if I don’t like a book, I’m not going to leave a 1-star review or say don’t read it, it’s horrible. I simply move on with my life and pick up another read, and I rather not leave a review at all. Although I may not finish a book that I don’t like after fifty per cent or less, I’ll just stop reading.

I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on this one. Sorry about the sort of random post.

As always, thank you for reading to the end, and for a book review, you can check the main site or under Reviews by Genre and find all the goods over there.

Happy reading!