Writing. Blogging. Reading. Life.

What are you passionate about?

There are many things we all love and being online makes us have more things to talk about, so for ages writing is a passion. I’m a writer (not trying to promote myself but you can check out my books), so that’s my grandest passion.

As writing is my life, blogging was born for me. But not alone, as I love books too, then those two arts were combined in my life and that’s how EachPage came to be for the past ten years.

I mentioned life and I mean anything from Travel to how we live and enjoy the world around us.

That’s all for me, I was going to post this one yesterday but life got in the way, so here I am: Passionate about writing, blogging, reading, and life. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿฉท